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簡秀如 Hsiu-Ru Chien

简秀如 Hsiu-Ru Chien










中国专利代理人资格 (2013)
台灣专利師 (2008)
台灣律师 (2001)


Ranked Lawyer - Intellectual Property - Taiwan Chambers Global 2021
Patents Lawyer of the Year in Taiwan – 2021 2021 Corporate Intl Magazine Global Award
Best Patent Prosecution Attorney (Taiwan) (2020) APAC Insider Legal Awards
Top 100 Women in Litigation 2020 Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific
Ranked Lawyer, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020 Chambers Asia-Pacific
A-List of Taiwan lawyers Asia Business Law Journal
Leading Patent and Trade Mark Attorney of the Year - Taiwan 2019 Leading Adviser Awards
Distinguished Practitioner for Intellectual Property, 2020 Asialaw Leading Lawyers
Leading Patent and Trade Mark Attorney of the Year, Taiwan Acquisition International's 2019 Leading Adviser Awards
Leading Lawyer in Patent Enforcement, 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 Asia IP Experts
The World's Leading Patent Professionals 2017 & 2018 IAM 1000
Leading Lawyer for Intellectual Property, 2017 & 2018 Asialaw Leading Lawyer
Ranked Lawyer, 2016 Chambers and Partners
Ranked Lawyer, 2016 Chambers Global
Recommended Leading Individual in Intellectual Property, 2015 The Legal 500


2024年 Is the Licensor of a Patent Licensing Contract Required to Notify the Licensee to Pay the Patent Maintenance Fees?
2024年 Requirements for Proof of Distinctiveness of Three-Dimensional Trademarks
2024年 The Intellectual Property and Commercial Court recently recognized the search results of the "Wayback Machine" as a basis for judgment
2024年 Can a Patentee Amend an Invalidated Patent During Litigation? Different Approaches are Adopted in Civil Infringement Litigation and Administrative Litigation
2024年 How Should Administrative Court Deal with Patentee's Application for Amending Patent Claims in Patent Invalidation Litigation?
2024年 The International Comparative Legal Guide - Digital Health 2024|Chapter 23 Taiwan
ICLG - Digital Health 2024
2024年 Trademark application for advice protection with customs: revocation or removal of registration
ILO IP Newsletter (20240219)
2024年 Taiwan Supreme Court issues judgment on Mercedes-Benz design patent infringement case against Depo
ILO IP Newsletter (20240205)
2024年 Recent Intellectual Property and Commercial Court judgments on commercial success
2024年 Whether the effect of Taiwan Fair Trade Act is extendable to patent infringement Cease & Desist letters based on foreign patents for foreign market products
2023年 Taiwan Supreme Court’s Judgment on Mercedes-Benz's Design Patent Infringement Case against Depo
2023年 In the Event that a Trademark Owner Applies for Advice Protection with Customs, after Registration of Genuine and Counterfeit Goods in the Database, Can Parties Other Than the Trademark Owner Request Revocation or Removal of Said Registration?
2023年 Legal actions based on defective infringement assessment report may be considered patent misuse
ILO IP Newsletter (20230911)
2023年 Role of experts in amended Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act
ILO IP Newsletter (20230626)
2023年 TIPO promulgates draft amendments to patent term extension legislation
ILO IP Newsletter (20230522)
2023年 Women and IP: empowering women in Taiwan's IP field
ILO IP Newsletter (20230426)
2023年 Taiwan court provides clarity on TIPO patent invalidation proceedings
LEXOLOGY, ILO IP Newsletter (20230410)
2023年 TIPO Promulgated the Draft Amendments of Article 4 and Article 10 of the "Regulations Governing the Determination of Patent Term Extension"
2023年 The International Comparative Legal Guide - Digital Health 2023|Chapter 25 Taiwan
ICLG - Digital Health 2023
2023年 TIPO amends Patent Examination Guidelines: what you need to know
ILO IP Newsletter (20230206)
2023年 Should a Patentee Be Given an Opportunity to Respond if the TIPO Approves an Invalidation Request for a Different Reason Than That in the Requester’s Claim but Related to the Same Overall Issue?
2023年 Can delivery of a product constitute patent infringement?
ILO IP Newsletter (20230109)
2023年 Conflicting practice on determination of PHOSITA in patent litigation proceedings
ILO IP Newsletter (20230102)


2019年 AIPLA IP Practice in the Far East Committee
AIPLA IP Practice in the Far East Committee
2019年 公司治理讲堂:企业智慧财产管理与保护策略
2018年 英国CIPA与台湾TWPAA研讨会
Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA)