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吳詩儀 Shih-I Wu

Shih-I Wu Shih-I Wu



Shih-I Wu has a dual background in biological engineering and law and specializes in handling intellectual property and civil disputes. Shih-I has a wealth of experience in litigation and administrative remedy procedures for patent applications, patent infringement and patent cancellation, as well as in civil and criminal litigation regarding trade secrets, copyrights, and trademark rights. She has undertaken significant trade secret cases and a landmark case concerning protection of computer software. She is also familiar with reviewing intellectual property contracts and consulting on related disputes, and has experience in intellectual property transaction negotiations, royalty audits, and tax exemption applications, as well as civil disputes, product liability and consumer protection, fair trade disputes, environmental law disputes, and labor disputes. Shih-I's writings on the practice of intellectual property rights have been published in both domestic and foreign journals.



Civil Dispute Resolution; Patent Enforcement; Trade Secret Protection And Dispute Resolution; Patent Search; Patent Validity And Infringement Assessment; Trademark Dispute Resolutions; Copyrights Enforcement; Maintenance and Dispute Resolution; Food & Medical; Competition Laws


Admitted to Taiwan Bar Association (2013)


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2024年 外国市場で販売された製品について、専利権者が外国専利に基づき専利権侵害の警告書を送付した場合、台湾の公平交易法の規制を受けるのか
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2024年 The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Litigation & Dispute Resolution 2024 - Taiwan
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2024年 Whether the effect of Taiwan Fair Trade Act is extendable to patent infringement Cease & Desist letters based on foreign patents for foreign market products
2024年 Can a true inventor request the court to declare their status as the patentee?
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2023年 Can the True Inventor Request the Court to Declare their Status as the Patentee?
2023年 Photocopy of priority basis application cannot be used as proof of priority for patent application
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2023年 智慧局は同一の争点について、無効審判請求人の主張と異なる理由で無効審決を下した場合、専利権者に一定の期間内に答弁の機会を与えるべきか
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2023年 Determination of copyright infringement for decorating based on interior design drawings
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2023年 Determination of Copyright Infringement for Decorating Carried Out Based on Interior Design Drawings
2023年 Taiwan court provides clarity on TIPO patent invalidation proceedings
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2023年 How to Prove Joint Inventorship in Disputes over Patent Ownership
2023年 The International Comparative Legal Guide - Digital Health 2023|Chapter 25 Taiwan
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2023年 Common general knowledge and "person skilled the art": Supreme Administrative Court issues guidance
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2023年 Should a Patentee Be Given an Opportunity to Respond if the TIPO Approves an Invalidation Request for a Different Reason Than That in the Requester’s Claim but Related to the Same Overall Issue?
2022年 Prior Art Known to the Applicant is not Necessarily Common General Knowledge at the Time of Filing the Patent Application

