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Standing Committee of National People’s Congress Issued Tort Liability Law of PRC
State Council issued Measures for Administration of Establishment of Partnerships by Foreign Enterprises or Individuals in China
China Banking Regulatory Commission issued Provisional Measures for Administration of Investments in Insurance Companies by Commercial Banks
State Administration of Taxation issued Circular on Relevant Issues Regarding Taxation of Individual Income Tax Derived from Enterprise Pension
State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued Circular on Further Improvement of Regulation on Foreign Exchange Settlement by Individuals
State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued Opinion on Establishment and Regulation of TV Shopping Channels
Supreme People’s Court Issued Provisions on Issues Concerning Trials of Civil Cases with Dispute on Jurisdiction
Ministry of Commerce Issued Measures on Reporting of Combined Businesses Concentration and Measures on Review of Combined Businesses Concentration



Standing Committee of National People’s Congress Issued Tort Liability Law of PRC
On December 26, 2009, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress issued Tort Liability Law of the PRC (the “Law”), which will take effect as of July 1, 2010.

The major points of the Law are outlined below:

(1)Regarding compensation for mental distress, the Law clearly provides that, if the infringement on any personal right results in serious mental injury, the victim shall have the right to demand compensation for mental distress. It is the first time where liability for mental distress is stipulated in the form of law in China. However, the Law neither provides the extent to which mental distress could be regarded as “serious”, nor the amount and method for calculation of damages for mental distress. These issues are subject to further interpretation in subsequent laws, regulations and judicial interpretations.
(2)Regarding product liability, the Law stipulates that (i) the victim may claim for compensation against the manufacturer or the seller of the product if damages are caused by defect existing in the product; (ii) if damages are caused by defect in the product that results from the fault of a third party, the manufacturer and the seller of the product, after paying the compensation to the victim, shall have the right to seek indemnity from such third party; (iii) if the product is manufactured and sold even with known defect therein, causing injury to the life or health of others, the victim shall have the right to claim punitive damages.
(3)Regarding liability for damages caused by medical treatment, the Law provides that during diagnosis and medical treatment, medical staff members shall exercise the duty of care corresponding to the then prevailing standards of the medical treatment. If the medical staff member causes injury to the patient due to the failure to fulfill such obligations, the relevant medical institution shall be liable for compensation. To respond to emergency situations such as rescuing the life of a patient who is in critical condition and if the opinion of the patient or his close family members cannot be obtained, the Law allows that corresponding measures for medical treatment may be performed with the approval of the person in charge or the authorized responsible person of the relevant medical institution under such situations.
(4)In addition, the Law includes provisions for determining the tort liability for traffic accidents caused by motor vehicles, environmental pollution, internet infringement, high hazard work, harm caused by animals, collapse of any building or other facilities, etc. A chapter is also included in the Law to deal with the determination of the tort liability of certain tortfeasors specified in that chapter (e.g., if a person without legal capacity or with limited legal capacity for civil acts causes damages to others, his guardian shall bear the tort liability).



State Council issued Measures for Administration of Establishment of Partnerships by Foreign Enterprises or Individuals in China
The State Council, on November 25, 2009, issued the Measures for Administration of Establishment of Partnerships by Foreign Enterprises or Individuals in China (the “Measures”), which will take effect as of March 1, 2010.

The Measures stipulate that two or more foreign enterprises or individuals, as well as foreign enterprises or individuals (collectively, the “Foreign Parties”) and Chinese individuals, legal entities and other organizations are allowed to establish partnerships in China. Foreign Parties can establish partnerships in China by registering directly at the relevant Administration for Industry and Commerce, without prior approval by the relevant authority of Commerce. However, a statement explaining compliance with foreign investment policies needs to be submitted when applying for registration.

If Foreign Parties set up partnerships in China involving investment projects that require governmental approval, relevant approval procedures shall be implemented according to relevant laws and regulations.

In addition, under the Measures, if partnerships established by Foreign Parties in China for engaging primarily in investment are subject to other regulations, such other regulations shall apply. Therefore, the establishment of partnerships engaging primarily in investment by foreign funds shall only be operable after relevant laws and regulations are implemented in the future.



China Banking Regulatory Commission issued Provisional Measures for Administration of Investments in Insurance Companies by Commercial Banks
The China Banking Regulatory Commission, on November 5, 2009, issued the Provisional Measures for Administration of Investments in Insurance Companies by Commercial Banks (the “Measures”), effective as of the same day.

The Measures stipulate that the pilot program for commercial banks to invest in the shares of insurance companies shall be submitted by the regulatory authorities to the State Council for approval, and that each commercial bank can only invest in one insurance company.

The Measures also stipulate that the bank applicant must have a more complete corporate governance structure, sound internal control and management system, effective risk management and stable business operation. Moreover, the bank applicant may not have any material violation of law and regulations or major incident of operational risk, and its board of directors shall consist of members who are familiar with the business operation and risk management of insurance companies.

In addition, as required by regulatory authorities, in the calculation of capital adequacy rate, capital investment in insurance companies by commercial banks shall be fully deducted from the capital of such commercial banks. Therefore, the Measures require that the capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks, after deducting the amount to be invested in insurance companies, be in line with regulatory standards.

State Administration of Taxation issued Circular on Relevant Issues Regarding Taxation of Individual Income Tax Derived from Enterprise Pension
On December 10, 2009, the State Administration of Taxation issued the Circular on Relevant Issues Regarding Taxation of Individual Income Tax Derived from Enterprise Pension (the “Circular”), effective as of the same day.

The enterprise pension refers to the supplementary pension system established voluntarily in addition to the basic statutory pension pursuant to the “Interim Measures for Enterprise Pension”. When calculating taxable income, the part of the enterprise pension paid by individuals themselves shall not be deducted from the taxable salaries or wages in any month. The part of the enterprise pension paid by the employers and included into the individual account is the income of the individual derived from its employment and is therefore taxable as individual income, which shall be withheld and paid as tax by the employer. The enterprises implementing the enterprise pension plan shall abide by the reporting system to declare the details of withholding tax for all employees and in full amount according to the relevant laws and regulations governing individual tax and tax levy. Any additional pension income received by individuals other than the enterprise pension stipulated in the Circular shall be included into the salaries or wages in full amount of the relevant month and taxed as individual income tax in accordance with relevant laws.


State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued Circular on Further Improvement of Regulation on Foreign Exchange Settlement by Individuals
On November 25, 2009, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued the Circular on Further Improvement of Regulation on Foreign Exchange Settlement by Individuals (the “Circular”), effective as of the same day. The Circular was issued in order to prohibit individuals from circumventing the supervision on foreign exchange quota of individuals by way of splitting.

The splitting of foreign exchange settlement in the Circular refers to the following circumstances: (i) one overseas individual or entity makes remittances of foreign funds to 5 or more individuals on the same day, every other day, or on several consecutive days, who settle the foreign funds separately; (ii) 5 or more individuals remit foreign funds to one overseas individual or entity after such individuals separately purchase foreign funds on the same day, every other day or on several consecutive days; (iii) 5 or more individuals deposit or remit RMB funds into the RMB account of one individual or entity after such individuals separately settle the foreign exchange funds on the same day, every other day or on several consecutive days; (iv) an individual withdraws foreign currency in cash from one foreign exchange savings account for 5 times or more within 7 days in the total sum equivalent to approximately US$10,000; or 5 individuals or more settle foreign exchange funds equivalent to approximately US$5,000 respectively in cash on the same day at the same branch of a bank; (v) one individual transfers the savings in his/her foreign exchange savings account to 5 immediate relatives or more, who settle such foreign exchange funds within their respective annual foreign exchange quota separately; or 5 or more immediate relatives of one individual transfer the foreign exchange funds to such individual’s foreign exchange savings account after they purchase foreign exchange funds within their respective annual foreign exchange quota; and (vi) other splitting of foreign exchange settlement by individuals through multiple transfers to or by multiple persons for the purpose of circumventing the regulation of individual foreign exchange quota.

If the banks discover the features of the above foreign exchange settlement by individuals and are able to confirm that such settlement constitutes a splitting of foreign exchange settlement, they shall refuse to handle such settlement; if the banks are unable to directly confirm whether the foreign exchange settlement constitutes a splitting of foreign exchange settlement, they shall handle such settlement by reference to the principle for reviewing authenticity of foreign exchange settlement.


State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued Opinion on Establishment and Regulation of TV Shopping Channels
The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued the Opinion on Establishment and Regulation of TV Shopping Channels (the “Opinion”) on December 10, 2009.

The Opinion sets up the principles of strict quantity control regarding the permits for establishment of TV shopping channels, and limits the broadcasting time for TV shopping programs. The Opinion clarifies the reviewing procedure and scope regarding the establishment, adjustment and alteration of TV shopping channels and the broadcasting time of the TV shopping programs.

The Opinion stipulates that, on the premise that a broadcasting institution strictly controls the ownership of the TV shopping channel and the right to produce, censor and broadcast the programs, the broadcasting institution may spin off the operational business including product development, program production, information administration, call center, logistics and distribution and after-sale services, and set up a TV shopping enterprise with qualified state-owned or private enterprises with the broadcasting institution holding majority shares. Professional organizations can be engaged to operate the call center, logistics and distribution and after-sale services through contractual arrangements. Article 14 of the Opinion reaffirms that the broadcasting institutions shall strictly hold the dominance in the management of TV shopping business. The broadcasting institutions shall not use the resources of the shopping channel as in-kind capital contribution or as the consideration for cooperation, and shall not rent or transfer the shopping channel in a disguised way through charging program review fees, broadcasting fees and fees for use of channel. The above provisions will have a significant impact on the business model of TV shopping channels in the future.




Supreme People’s Court Issued Provisions on Issues Concerning Trials of Civil Cases with Dispute on Jurisdiction
On November 12, 2009, the Supreme People’s Court issued the Provisions on Issues Concerning Trials of Civil Cases with Dispute on Jurisdiction (the “Provisions”), effectively as of January 1, 2010.

Under the Provisions, if a defendant raises jurisdictional challenge in the defense, and claims that the court which hears the case is in violation of the rules for determination of jurisdiction between different instances of the court, such court shall review the merits of the claim and makes the decision of the jurisdictional issue within 15 days after the claim is made.

The Provisions stipulate that, if the plaintiff increases the amount of the claim after the expiry of the submission of defense, so that the amount claimed exceeds the ceiling amount for maintaining the jurisdiction of the court which hears the case, such court shall review the jurisdictional challenge by the defendant with a claim for shifting the jurisdictional power to a superior court, and shall make a decision within 15 days after such claim is filed.

If any party does not accept the decision of the court in the first instance with respect to the jurisdictional challenge, such party may appeal to the superior court, and the superior court shall review the appeal and make a decision in the second instance.





根据经营者集中交易具体情况,限制性条件可以包括如下种类: (一)剥离参与集中的经营者的部分资产或业务等结构性条件;(二)参与集中的经营者开放其网络或平台等基础设施、许可关键技术(包括专利、专有技术或其他知识产权)、终止排他性协议等行为性条件;(三)结构性条件和行为性条件相结合的综合性条件。
Ministry of Commerce Issued Measures on Reporting of Combined Businesses Concentration and Measures on Review of Combined Businesses Concentration
On November 21 and November 24, 2009, the Ministry of Commerce (“MOC”) respectively issued the Measures on Reporting of Combined Businesses Concentration (the “Reporting Measures”) and the Measures on Review of Combined Businesses Concentration (the “Review Measures”), both effective as of January 1, 2010.

The Reporting Measures clarify the scope and calculation method of the turnover. Turnover of the combined businesses concentration to be reported shall include the income of the businesses arising from sale of products and provision of services in the previous fiscal year, less the relevant taxes and the surtaxes.

The Reporting Measures stipulate that several concentrations implemented by the same businesses within two years which do not meet the reporting thresholds as set forth in Article 3 of the State Council’s “Regulations Governing Reporting Thresholds of Combine Businesses Concentration” shall be deemed as one concentration transaction, and the time when concentration takes place shall be form the last transaction. The turnovers of such combined businesses concentration shall be calculated by consolidating the multiple transactions.

Review Measures stipulate that, during the reviewing process, MOC may on its own initiative or upon request by relevant parties convene hearings, investigate or collect evidence, and hear the opinions of relevant parties. When convening a hearing, MOC may inform the representatives of the businesses participating in the concentration and their competitors, upstream and downstream companies and other relevant enterprises to attend, and, where appropriate, may invite relevant experts and the representatives of associations of various industries, relevant government agencies and consumers.

Review Measures also stipulate that, during the reviewing process, the businesses participating in the concentration may propose restrictive conditions to modify the transaction plan of the concentration so as to eliminate or reduce its actual or potential effect of excluding or restricting competition which is brought or may be brought by the combined businesses concentration.

Based on the specific conditions of the transactions of the combined businesses concentration, the restrictive conditions may include the following: (1) conditions on business structure, such as the spin-off of a portion of the assets or business of the business operators participating in the concentration; (2) conditions on business practice, such as providing access to the infrastructure of internet and platform, key expertise (including patents, know-how and other intellectual property rights) and termination of exclusive agreement by the business participating in the concentration; (3) comprehensive conditions, combining the conditions on business structure and business practice.