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Home >> People >> Counselor >> Katie Hsu
許文亭 Katie Hsu

Katie Hsu



Katie received B.S. and M.S. degrees from Dept. of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University in 2001 and 2003, respectively, and worked in Dep. of Material Science as a research assistant in her college years. Before joining Lee and Li, Katie worked in BenQ materials as a R&D engineer in charge of development of optical films for LCD and production line setup. Katie has extensive experience in patent prosecution, patent drafting, patent search, patent invalidation, and infringement assessment in the technical fields related to material science, chemistry, chemical engineering, pharmaceuticals and semiconductor and participated in many patent litigation cases relating to speciality chemicals, semiconductor, LED, solar cell and pharmaceuticals.


National Taiwan University, M.S. in Chemical Engineering (2003)
National Taiwan University, B.S. in Chemical Engineering (2001)


Practice Areas: Patent Prosecution, Patent Drafting, Patent Search, Patent Invalidation, Infringement, Assessment; Technology Areas: Material Science, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Pharmaceuticals, Semiconductor, Solar Cell


BenQ materials


Mandarin, English

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