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Home >> People >> Senior Patent Attorney / Senior Patent Agent >> Claire Liu
劉怡岑 Claire Liu

Claire Liu

Senior Patent Attorney


Claire has practical experiences in patent drafting, patent prosecution, patent invalidation, and due diligence. Claire specializes in the technical fields related to organic semiconductor devices, manufacturing processes of integrated circuits, semiconductor apparatuses, optical elements, displays, and etc.


Ph.D., Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (2012)
M.S., Department of Physics, Linköping University (LiU), Sweden (2007)
B.S., Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (2006)


Patent Prosecution and Maintenance; Patent Drafting and Global Patent Protection; Patent Search, Validity and Infringement Right Identification


Patent Engineer, Taiwan International Patent & Law Office
R&D Engineer, AU Optronics Corporation


China Patent Attorney qualification (2017)
R.O.C. patent attorney (2016)


Mandarin, English, Taiwanese Hokkien
