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Home >> Practices >> Corporate and Investment >> Julia Kuei-Fang Yung
雍桂芳 Julia Kuei-Fang Yung

Julia Kuei-Fang Yung

Senior Attorney


Julia specializes in mergers and acquisitions, corporate compliance and governance and investment strategies and regulatory compliance. Julia assists the clients in planning investment structures, providing legal consultation, drafting and reviewing legal documentations, and applying for government approvals and licenses. Julia has served clients from a wide range of industries and has a lot of experience in handling mergers and acquisitions of different types, such as share purchase/sale, asset purchase/sale, tender offer, and share exchange/swap. Major M&A cases that Julia handled include the following pioneer cases: - First share exchange transaction between a foreign company and a TPEx listed company ever approved by the Investment Commission - First dividend distribution in kind by a foreign company with the shares in a Taiwan private company ever approved by the Investment Commission In the energy sector, Julia has extensive experiences in conventional independent power plant projects, solar energy projects and offshore off shore wind projects in the following areas: legal and regulatory consolation; project contract drafting and negotiation; M&A activities (e.g., due diligence); corporate governance of project companies.



Mergers & Acquisitions Corporate Compliance & Governance Investment Strategies & Regulatory Compliance Antitrust and Fair Trade Law Energy Law


Admitted to Taiwan Bar Association (2001)


2013 Restriction on Voting Rights of Pledged Shares by Director
2013 Director and Supervisor Appointed by the Same Government or Corporate Shareholder
