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Home >> Practices >> Corporate and Investment >> Alvin Chen
陳敬宏 Alvin Chen

Alvin Chen

Associate Partner


Alvin Chen works at Lee and Li’s Corporate and Investment Department. Alvin regularly assists clients in matters related to corporate investments, M&A transactions, securities, taxation/international taxation, trust/overseas trust, family succession/cross-border succession, foreign inheritance of Taiwan assets, and international trade law.

He has handled various cases, including cross-border reorganizations of a France-based shipping giant, foreign investments in Taiwan high-tech and leisure industries, joint ventures and commercial litigations, holding structure design of exchange-listed family businesses, assets division of a family-owned business conglomerate, will and estate tax disputes of the chairman of a world-famous airline, trust establishment and taxation of overseas trust, application for tax benefits under tax treaties, import goods classifications and customs duties disputes, income tax and withholding issues for foreign individuals and companies, foreign inheritance of Taiwan assets, prenuptial agreement between a Taiwan individual and the foreign spouse, etc. Alvin has also handled many trade remedy cases, including the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations launched respectively by the U.S., the European Union, India, Brazil, Turkey, Thailand, and Malaysia, with excellent results



Corporate and Investment: Securities Transaction; Mergers and Acquisitions; Tax; Family Heritage Plan and Family Affairs: Succession/Trust; International Trade


Law Clerk to Justice, Judicial Yuan
Associate, Reason Law Office
Legal Associate, Taiwan Stock Exchange


New York Bar Association
Taipei Bar Association


Ranked No.1 in Taiwan Government Sponsorship Scholarship for Overseas Study in Financial and Economic Laws - Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions The Ministry of Education
Awarded Honorary Membership of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China

2024 Taiwan Ministry of Finance (MOF) issued new tax ruling on trustee's obligations and procedures to report CFC trust income
2023 Lexology Panoramic: Transfer Pricing 2024 | Taiwan
Lexology Panoramic: Transfer Pricing 2024
2019 Problems and Solutions for Family Business Successions
Industry Magazine
2018 Taiwan's Response to the Global CRS Trend
International Fiscal Association Asia-Pacific Tax Conference
2017 An Introduction to the OECD CRS Developments and the Measures Taken by Taiwan
Tax Journal
2016 Exceptions Should be Made to Passive Income Concept for the Recognition of Substantial Business Activities under the CFC Rules
Tax Journal
2015 An Introduction to the 2015 Legislation and Amendment on the U.S. Anti-dumping and Anti-subsidy Laws
Trade Policy Review


2020 The Most Important Legal Issues in Family Business Succession
New Taipei City Industrial Association
2019 Seminar on the Legal Issues and Practices for the Repatriation of Overseas Capital to Taiwan
Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law
2019 Tender Offer under the Securities Exchange Act and the Taxation on Securities Transactions
Ministry of Finance
2019 Lecture on U.S. Anti-dumping, Anti-avoidance, and Enforce and Protect Act (EAPA) Investigations
Chinese National Federation of Industries
2018 How to Respond to U.S. Trade Remedy Investigations - Taking the Anti-dumping Investigation and Safeguard Measures on Solar Cells and Modules as an Example
Chinese National Federation of Industries