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Home >> Practices >> Criminal Litigation >> Ivane Lin
林依雯 Ivane Lin

Ivane Lin

Senior Attorney


Ms. Ivane Lin specializes in advising on and drafting, reviewing and negotiating contracts and documents in relation to domestic and foreign corporate investment and regulatory compliance, syndicated lending and project finance, mergers and acquisitions, banking, insurance and capital markets, and has advised a foreign financial institution on issuing international bonds in Taiwan and assisted in the relevant filing with the competent authorities. In addition, Ivane has extensive experience in commercial dispute resolution as well as white collar defense and investigations involving high-profile individuals arising out of corporate management, mergers and acquisitions, financing and investment. Ivane represents numerous well-known local and multinational enterprises in various industries ranging from finance, wind and solar energy, technology, automobile, hospitality, AI-based medical device, healthcare and pharma, and so forth.



Banking and Finance; Capital Markets (Including Securities and Privatization),; Corporate and Investment; Mergers and Acquisitions: Non-Financial Institutions and Financial Institutions; Civil Dispute Resolution; Criminal Dispute Representation and Defense, Energy Law


Lin & Partners Attorneys-At-Law
New York State Supreme Court
Cogito Law Office
Formosa Transnational Attorneys at Law


New York Bar (2020)
Taiwan Bar (2012)


2023 The Intellectual Property and Commercial Court ruled that Article 45 of the Financial Holding Company Act shall not apply to share swap mergers
2023 The Intellectual Property and Commercial Court ruled that Article 45 of the Financial Holding Company Act shall not apply to share swap mergers
LEE & LI Bulletin -December 2023
