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Home >> Practices >> Patent Prosecution and Maintenance >> Richard Yang
楊文嘉 Richard Yang

Richard Yang

Senior Patent Attorney


Mr. Richard Yang is mainly in charge of cases regarding patent prosecution and maintenance, patent search, patent validity assessment and infringement determination, and patent litigation in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and foods, chemical and liquid crystal materials, semiconductors, and so on. Richard has also dealt with or participated in numerous patent dispute cases and has extensive experience in helping clients protect the validity of their patent rights, assert against infringers, and enforce their rights.



Patent Prosecution and Maintenance: Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals & Foods, Chemical & Liquid Crystal Materials, Semiconductors; Pharmaceuticals & Foods; Patent Drafting and Global Patent Protection; Patent Search, Patent Validity and Infringement Assessment


Member of Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association Member of Asian Patent Attorneys Association Taiwan Group Member of the Management Committee on Industry-Government-University Cooperation and Research, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Expert of the Advisory Group for Patent Application of Research Outcomes and Technologies Transfer and Matching, Taipei Veterans General Hospital


Patetn attorney qualification, P.R.C. (2014) Patent attorney, R.O.C. (2008)


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Lexology、ILO IP Newsletter (202200725)
2022 TIPO's New "Remote Patent Application Interviews" Launched March 1, 2022
