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Home >> Practices >> Patent Prosecution and Maintenance >> Kyrie Huang
黃裕煦 Kyrie Huang

Kyrie Huang

Senior Patent Attorney


Kyrie hold a bachelor degree in public health and a master’s degree in microbiology at National Taiwan University. Before joining Lee and Li, he worked in a biomedicine company. After passing the Taiwan patent bar exam in 2010, he was heavily involved in patent-related works. He joined Lee and Li in 2015, and passed the China patent bar exam in 2016. He has extensive experiences in drafting and prosecuting of patent applications and conducting patent search, patent linkage, patent term extension, patent deposit of biological materials and patent invalidation actions and administrative litigation. His technical experience is focused on biotechnology, microbiology, pharmaceuticals (compound, antibody and protein) and so forth. Kyrie had experiences in handling invalidation actions of the patents relating multiple myeloma drugs as well as invalidation actions and administrative litigation of the patents relating Alzheimer's disease drug.



Practice Areas: Patent Prosecution, Patent Drafting, Patent Search, Patent Invalidation. Technology Areas: Biotechnology, Microbiology, Pharmaceuticals


Tsar & Tsai Law Firm
Deep & Far Attorneys-at-Law
EMO Biomedicine Corp.


R.O.C. (Taiwan) Patent Attorney(2010)
China Patent Attorney Qualification(2016)

