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Home >> Practices >> Patent Prosecution and Maintenance >> Sogo Lin
林蘇緯 Sogo Lin

Sogo Lin

Patent Attorney


Sogo Lin joined Lee and Li in 2021. Sogo specializes in patent prosecution, drafting, invalidation, and administrative relief, as well as infringement assessment and litigation in the fields of material engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanism, electrochemistry, and manufacturing process of powders.

Sogo obtained his Master's degree in Material Engineering from National Cheng Kung University. Before join the firm, Sogo was in the position, as a coordinator, for integrating the manufacturing processes among different technical fields.

In addition, Sogo has the certifications related to intangible assets valuation and is a member of Intangible Assets Valuation Committee, Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association.



Patent Prosecution and Maintenance; Patent Drafting and Global Patent Protection; Patent Search, Patent Validity and Infringement Assessment ,


Committee member of Intangible Assets Valuation, Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association


Taiwan (R.O.C.) Patent Attorney (2021)

