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Home >> Practices >> Patent Drafting and Global Patent Protection >> Hsieh-Shu Lee
李協書 Hsieh-Shu Lee

Hsieh-Shu Lee



Hsieh-Shu joined Lee and Li as a patent engineer in the Chemical Group of the Patent and Technology Department in 2008. He passed the Taiwan patent bar exam in 2009 and the China patent bar exam in 2016. Hsieh-Shu has extensive experience in drafting and prosecuting of patent applications and conducting patent search mainly in Taiwan and China. Hsieh-Shu is also experienced in rendering opinions on infringement and freedom to operate, handling patent invalidation actions and supporting patent infringement proceedings and trade secret cases. His technical experience is focused on chemical engineering, which includes semiconductor device fabrication and bioprocess engineering. Representative technologies in which Hsieh-Shu has practiced include semiconductor, pharmaceuticals, material science, biochemical engineering, nanotechnology, solar cells, polymers, plastics engineering and petroleum engineering.



Patent Prosecution; Patent Drafting; Patent Search; Patent Invalidation; Infringement Assessment


Research Associate, Research and Development on Bioprocessing of Protein Drugs, CytoPharm Inc.


Taiwan Patent Attorney
China Patent Attorney Qualification

