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Home >> Practices >> Patent Search, Patent Validity and Infringement Assessment >> Audrey Lo
羅文妙 Audrey Lo

Audrey Lo

Senior Patent Attorney


Audrey Lo has been involved in the patent field for more than 13 years. Her current practice consists primarily of preparing and prosecuting patent applications in a wide variety of semiconductor, integrated circuit, electronic engineering, and computer software.

Audrey has extensive experience in patent related matters, such as patent drafting, patent prosecution, validity assessment, patent infringement assessment, and patent litigation, due diligence. She handled patent-related disputes cases, which involve memory devices, printing technology and financial technology, for multinational companies.



Patent Prosecution and Maintenance; Patent Drafting and Global Patent Protection; Patent Search; Patent Validity And Infringement Assessment


Member of Invention Patent Practice Committee of Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association
R&D engineer of Industrial Technology Research Institute


R.O.C. Patent Attorney


2020 Determining Equivalents and the Prior Art Defense
Lee and Li Bulletin
2019 New Rules for Assessment of Unity of Invention from January 1, 2019
Lee and Li Bulletin
2018 Patent Invalidation Examination Will Introduce Hearings
Lee and Li Bulletin
2018 Robotic technologies and their patent portfolios
ILO IP Newsletter (20180305)
2018 An Overview of the Internet of Things and Patents
Lee and Li Bulletin
2018 An Overview of Robotic Technologies and Their Patent Portfolios
Lee and Li Bulletin
2017 New inventive step examination guidelines
ILO IP Newsletter (20171016)
2017 TIPO revises examination guidelines for post-grant patent amendments
ILO IP Newsletter (20170710)
2017 New Inventive Step Examination Guidelines to Take Effect on July 1
Lee and Li Bulletin
2017 IPO Revised Examination Guidelines for Post-Grant Patent Amendments
Lee and Li Bulletin
2016 Patent Protection for Fintech Inventions
Lee and Li Bulletin
2016 Taiwan Intellectual Property Office to Amend Guidelines on Assessment of Inventive Step
Lee and Li Newsletter

