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Home >> Practices >> Trademark >> Yi-Min Lu
陸怡民 Yi-Min Lu

Yi-Min Lu

Senior Attorney


Ms. Yi-Min Lu focuses on trademark and copyright matters, including international and domestic trademark prosecution and trademark/copyright protection and dispute resolution. Among her global clients, she is representing a leading Chinese staple food manufacturer in managing its global trademark portfolio and assisted client in litigation for trademark infringement in the United States. Yi-Min also provide strategic planning for global trademark protection, covering the United States, the European Union, Mainland China, New Zealand and Australia, Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. Since joining in the firm in 2019, Yi-Min already has experience working on over 200 marks under her belt.



Trademark; Copyrights Enforcement, Maintenance and Dispute Resolution; Trademark Dispute Resolutions; Global Trademark/Copyright Protection (including Dispute Resolutions); P.R.C. Practice


Admitted to Taiwan Bar Association (2020)


2023 Can evidence of use submitted on appeal be accepted to defend against a non-use revocation action?
World Trademark Review
