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Home >> Practices >> P.R.C. Practice >> Yao-Jen Chang
張耀仁 Yao-Jen Chang

Yao-Jen Chang

Senior Patent Attorney


Yao-Jen Chang graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University. After graduation, he served as a research assistant for four years in the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology and engaged in structural design. He joined Philips Jian-Yuan Electronics Co., Ltd. to engage in machine design. Then he went to the University of Pittsburgh to study and obtained a master's degree in mechanical engineering. After returning from abroad, he worked as a mechanical engineer in Nan-Ya Plastics Company and engaged in mechanical design for about two years. In 1995, he joined Lee and Li and mainly focuses on patent application related to mechanical and design arts. During the tenure in 2018, he passed the Patent Attorney Examination (Mechanics) and then obtained the Patent Attorney qualification in 2019.



Patent prosecution; patent drafting and transnational patent protection; patent search; patent validity and infrigement assessment; enforcement of patent rights and settement of related disputes


Nan-Ya Plastic Corporation - mechanical engineer
Philips Jian-Yuan Electronics Co., Ltd. - mechanical engineer (Taiwan) Ltd.
Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology – research assistant


Taiwan Patent Attorney (2019)

