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Home >> Practices >> P.R.C. Practice >> Ling-Yun Ko
柯伶昀 Ling-Yun Ko

Ling-Yun Ko

Senior Associate


Ling-Yun Ko is experienced in patent related services, especially specification drafting, prosecution and portfolio. She also focuses on handling biotechnology and pharmaceutical-related intellectual property issues Her clients including research centers, colleges and companies.



Patent Drafting and Global Patent Protection; Patent Prosecution and Maintenance; Patent Search, Patent Validity and Infringement Assessment


Senior Associate in Lee and Li Attorneys-At-Law since 2001
Seeding teacher of Taiwan Intellectual Property Training Academy of Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs
Senior Associate in Lee and Li Attorneys-At-Law since 2001
Seeding teacher of Taiwan Intellectual Property Training Academy of Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs

