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Home >> Practices >> P.R.C. Practice >> Daniel Hsieh
謝雨滔 Daniel Hsieh

Daniel Hsieh

Senior Associate


Daniel Hsieh specializes in patent drafting and application with many years of experience. Daniel has particular expertise in developing filing strategies for IP protection that best meet clients' needs. Daniel has expertise with the “hub-filing” patent-filing service package now offered by the Hsinchu office of Lee and Li. By leveraging the advantages of the hub-filing framework, Daniel provides quality, efficient and cost-effective services for patent applications filed in the U.S., China, Japan, and other countries around the world. Daniel is dedicated to serving clients in a variety of fields including semiconductor manufacturing, IC packaging, electronic circuits, displays, communication systems, and signal processing. Daniel has years of patent drafting and application experience, providing such services to world-class companies such as TSMC.



Patent Drafting ,International Patent Portfolio Management; Patent Search; Patent Invalidation; Infringement Analysis,


Senior engineer, Technology Transfer Center, ITRI
Senior engineer, Information and Communications Research Laboratories, ITRI

