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吳為涵 Wei-Han Wu

Wei-Han Wu Wei-Han Wu



Wei-Han is a core member of the competition law practice group of Lee and Li. Ms. Wu's experience extends to all areas of competition law practices covering merger control, cartel leniency applications, abuse investigations, vertical agreements and unfair trade matters. Ms. Wu also advises on mergers & acquisitions cases and has experience in handling anti-corruption, intellectual property, and general corporate issues. She has a wealth of expertise representing domestic and multinational clients before the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission and regularly appears in proceedings before the administrative courts in Taiwan. She also assists clients on setting up antitrust compliance programs in relation to dawn raids, whistle-blowing and other internal audit systems. Her practice spans a wide range of sectors, with a focus on high-tech, e-commerce, semiconductor, specialty chemicals, pharmaceutical, and consumer goods. She has lectured and published articles on a variety of Taiwan competition law topics, in both Chinese and English. Since 2017, she has been consecutively listed in Who's Who Legal: Competition Future Leaders. In 2020, Financier Worldwide Magazine recognizes Ms. Wu as POWER PLAYERS: Competition & Antitrust 2020 - Future Stars.



Competition Law; Corporate Investment; Mergers & Acquisitions; Intellectual Property; Contract Review


Lee, Tsai, and Partners, Attorneys-at-Law


New York Bar Association (2010)
Admitted to Taiwan Bar Association (2005)


2024年 Merger Control 2024 | Taiwan
Chambers Global Practice Guide: Merger Control 2024
2024年 Lexology In-Depth: Cartels and Leniency | Taiwan
Lexology In-Depth: Cartels and Leniency - Edition 12
2024年 Lexology In-Depth: Public Competition Enforcement | Taiwan
Lexology In-Depth: Public Competition Enforcement - Edition 16
2023年 Amendments to Taiwan Fair Trade Commission’s Guidelines Regarding the Definition of Relevant Markets
2023年 The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Merger Control 2024─Chapter 32 Taiwan
ICLG to : Merger Control 2024
2023年 Merger Control 2023 | Taiwan
Chambers Global Practice Guide: Merger Control 2023
2023年 Relaxation of Merger Control Regulations- Addition of a Non-Notifiable Type of Combination and Amendments to the Fair Trade Commission’s Guidelines on Handling Merger Filings
2023年 The Public Competition Enforcement Review ─ Chapter 14 TAIWAN
The Public Competition Enforcement Review, edition 15

