
ホーム >> 専門分野 >> 特許権権利行使、営業秘密保護及び紛争処理 >> Tsung-Yuan Shen
沈宗原 Tsung-Yuan Shen

Tsung-Yuan Shen Tsung-Yuan Shen



TsungYuan Shen specializes in the fields of biomedical and food technology law, intellectual property protection, unfair competition, construction/BOT, and dispute resolution. His professional background spans biotechnology, law, and economics. Mr. Shen has represented many biotech-related companies in the fields of pharmaceuticals, medical instruments, chemicals, health food and GMO; and governmental research organizations in IPR matters and legal matters. He has also advised high-tech companies in the fields of electronics, optoelectronics, communications, precision industry, and multinational construction companies on matters of IPR, high-tech laws and public construction disputes. Clients served by Mr. Shen include Pfizer, Merck Sharp & Dohme, DuPont, TSMC, AU Optronics, Qualcomm, Molex, Lockheed Martin, and other leading companies or organizations. Mr. Shen has also utilized his background in economics in cases involving the management or licensing of IP portfolios. In addition, he has acted on behalf of companies during governmental investigations of unfair competition and in administrative lawsuits with outstanding results.



Biomedical and food technology law; Intellectual property protection; Unfair competitionl; Construction/BOT; and Dispute resolution.


Vice Chairman, Intellectual Properties & Innovation Technologies Committee of Taipei Bar Association Chairman, Biotechnology Laws Committee of Taipei Bar Association Commissioner, ICC Committee of Taipei Bar Association Commissioner, Environmental Laws Committee of Taipei Bar Association Commissioner, Environmental Laws Committee of Taiwan Bar Association Commissioner, Medical & Health Laws Committee of Taipei Bar Association Member, Taiwan Society of Health Law Senior Attorney, Formosa Transnational Attorneys-at-Law Patent Engineer, Bio-Biz-Law Inc.


Admitted to Taiwan Bar Association (2010)


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2025年 Can a Plaintiff in a Tort Action Initially Claim the Minimum Amount of Damages and Later Increase the Amount Claimed at a Second Trial?
2025年 Legal guide to franchise laws in Taiwan
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2025年 Legal guide to franchise laws in Taiwan
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2024年 技術移転契約における「特許権取得保証」及び「適用可能性保証」条項の解釈と適用をめぐる紛争事例
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2024年 Can a Licensor Terminate the License Agreement on the Grounds that the Licensee Exceeded the Scope of the License?
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2024年 専利権の帰属に関する民事の訴えの類型
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2024年 A Dispute Arising from the Interpretation and Application of the "Warranty of Patent Approval" and "Warranty of Applicability" Clauses in a Technology Transfer Agreement
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2024年 Determination of Scope of Rights for Extended Pharmaceutical Patents
2024年 Do customers' online reviews and store responses have legal responsibilities?
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2024年 Does the fame of a trademark affect the constitution of criminal liability for trademark infringement?
2023年 Do Customers' Online Reviews and Store Responses Have Legal Responsibilities?
2023年 知的財産事件審理法改正案 立法院で可決
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2023年 Trade secret protection under newly amended IP Adjudication Act
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2023年 Protection of Case Files and Evidence Involving Trade Secrets under the Newly Amended IP Adjudication Act
2023年 跨境販賣及販賣之要約之行為地認定─兼論國際管轄權及適用範圍
2023年 Legislative Yuan passes amendment to Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act
ILO IP Newsletter (20230327)

